Denial of Service Attacks
Denial of Service Attacks
• An attack on a computer that prevents it from offering a service or resource
• Often launched in unison from many virus-infected “zombie” computers
• Usually against servers and corporate networks
• An attack on a computer that prevents it from offering a service or resource
• Often launched in unison from many virus-infected “zombie” computers
• Usually against servers and corporate networks
Denial of Service (or DoS) attacks are a form of network abuse that are often launched against
companies or prominent websites. Their aim is to prevent access to a particular service that the
site offers, such as online banking, email, or even just a general website. DoS attacks usually
originate from computers infected with worms or trojans, and are choreographed remotely by
the attacker.
Sometimes, the DoS attack is unintentional. One website, a techie news site called Slashdot
[], is renowned for these “attacks”, caused when the mention of a
website in one of its news reports is accessed by all of its readers at once. As Slashdot is the
most popular site amongst techies and nerds everywhere, the sheer amount of traffic overloads
the website's server or network, preventing access to it.
DoS attacks can also be a form of protest; several have been launched against computer
companies who have taken legal action against copyright violators or hackers.
Denial of Service Attacks
Reviewed by Internet blogger

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